Light fireplace

Fireplaces & Stoves

Fireplaces – air outlet

fireplace air condictioningThe closed fireplaces (i.e, those based on a stove) consume from 6 to 8 m3 of air during only one hour, whilst producing over 1 KW of power. To clarify, this is a lot of energy, and the bigger the fireplace, the more power we have, and thus these numbers are higher. It is very important for the fireplace to have a special air outlet, which will drive additional air from an external source (usually a hidden hole in the floor, or an entry in a wall).

No additional sources of indoor air may be very dangerous for people staying in the room – this could lead to the fumes being sent back to the interior. Therefore make sure to take care of appropriate air circulation in your rooms with a fireplace!


This entry was posted on December 1, 2014 by in Tips and Advices.